In 2015, for the first time, Sirens offered the Sirens Studio, a pre-conference option for readers, writers, and professionals. We are thrilled to bring the Sirens Studio back in 2016—and to say that it’ll be even better this year.
While Sirens is terrific, it can be hectic: so many people to see, so many conversations to have, not nearly enough time to grab a seat by the fire and just read. The Sirens Studio, however, gives you both what you love about Sirens and that down time that we all need: small-group workshop intensives led by exceptional faculty in the morning; flexible time to read, write, or relax in the afternoon; and a film screening at night.
In 2016, we’ve expanded our offerings to eight intensives, all led by extraordinary faculty on topics related to reading, writing, and career development. We’ve also revamped our schedule so that Studio participants will be able to attend half of those intensives—assuming, of course, that you aren’t sleeping in, lingering over breakfast in bed, relaxing at the spa, or stuck in a book you can’t put down.
Even better, the cost of attending is still only $50 for the full two days of the Studio, and we are still limiting attendance to just 50 participants. If you think you’d might like to join us, please check out our schedule, workshop intensives, and faculty—and then go here to purchase your ticket.
Please note that you must be a Sirens attendee to join us for the Studio, though you can purchase both your Sirens conference registration and a Studio ticket at the same time. Also, we are again offering Studio participants a Monday night Sirens Shuttle option.
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