
Archive for 2009

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 2, Issue 2 (December 2009)

Who’s Your Faery?
They’re enchanters, evil queens, changelings, purveyors of pixie dust, and more. Faeries play a variety of roles in literature, film, and on the stage. Which faery story is your favorite? Tell us in a comment of at least two sentences by December 15, 2009, and we’ll choose one commenter through a random process involving tiny strips of pressed plant fibers and a hat, and send the randomly chosen person a book from the Sirens Reading List. (Current Sirens staff members are not eligible to win, though they may leave a comment, but all volunteers, attendees, and I-wish-I-could-attendees are welcome to tell us their favorites.)

While you’re perusing the Reading List just in case you’re the winner, don’t forget that if you use our links to purchase anything on Amazon or CafePress, a portion of your cost will be provided to Sirens, which helps us expand our offerings–and registrations make lovely holiday gifts as well. Registration is currently at $165, and it includes all of Sirens’s programming, events, keynote presentations (with a dessert reception and two lunches), one breakfast, afternoon tea, a conference t-shirt, and all the mountain air you can breathe. You can also purchase some separate, optional items: tickets for the Sirens Shuttle from Denver International Airport to Vail (with a trip to Vail on Wednesday, October 6 and another on Thursday, October 7, with one return trip on Sunday, October 7) and tickets for the pre-conference staff-hosted Sirens Supper.


Chat Schedule
Sirens will have an open chat on Saturday, January 9, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. Chats are a great place to talk about books, travel, and that presentation you’ve been thinking about proposing. No particular software or programs are necessary to join in: this page will turn into a chat room at the appropriate time on January 9.


Presentations, Presentations, Presentations
Ready to start brainstorming for that paper, workshop, panel, roundtable discussion, or afternoon class? The programming section of the message boards is the perfect place to put up an advertisement for a collaborator or two, or just to knock around ideas. Visit the Programming section of the Sirens website to get the information you need to get started with your planning. Proposals will be accepted until May 7, 2010.


Decorating with the Fae
In need of a new desktop, AIM or journal icon, button, or banner? We’ve got just the thing. The faery and reader for Sirens in 2010 have been transformed into pretty graphics just for you. Download these and other graphics on the downloads page of the Sirens website!


Have questions? You can leave them here in the comments section or e-mail them to (help at

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 2, Issue 1 (November 2009)

The Recap
Sirens’s first year was fantastic! We had a great time listening to all of the formal presentations and informal discussions, getting recommendations for new books to read, sharing tea with new friends, and generally being delighted that we had such awesome attendees. We’re thrilled that your participation and enthusiasm means that we can provide a second Sirens conference on women and fantasy literature in 2010, too.


Website Open for 2010!
Check it out: The Sirens website is updated with information for 2010–and it’s changed to reflect next year’s theme of faeries. Please take a few minutes to look around, to note updates, to grab a new icon/desktop image/banner, to use the Tell a Friend feature, or to check out the updated reading list.


Talk About It All
Sirens will have an open chat on Saturday, November 7, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. This year, we’ll be holding occasional chats–which might become regular with enough interest–for 2009 attendees, potential 2010 attendees, people who have questions about becoming attendees, and people who just want to chat with some amazing people about books, authors, and other things. You’re welcome to bring thoughts about women in fantasy literature or questions about Sirens, and if you’re looking for something more focused, we’ll be choosing a faery book from the Sirens 2010 reading list to discuss at each chat. November is Janni Lee Simner’s Bones of Faerie. No particular software or programs are necessary to join in: this page will turn into a chat room at the appropriate time on November 7.


Registrations and Reservations
With the website open, registration is open as well. Registration is currently at $165, and it includes all of Sirens’s programming, events, keynote presentations (with a dessert reception and two lunches), one breakfast, afternoon tea, a conference t-shirt, and all the mountain air you can breathe. You can also purchase some separate, optional items: tickets for the Sirens Shuttle from Denver International Airport to Vail (with a trip to Vail on Wednesday, October 6 and another on Thursday, October 7, with one return trip on Sunday, October 7) and tickets for the pre-conference staff-hosted Sirens Supper.


Rates at the Vail Cascade have undergone a slight adjustment, now that their renovations are complete, but they’re still fantastic for Vail in the autumn months. To make your hotel reservation at the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, please visit the hotel page (and, as always, if you have any issues making your reservation, please let us know).


And, of course, the programming proposal system is open now as well. The schedule for Sirens is, in large part, made up of presentations by and of interest to attendees. You may make proposals until May 7, 2010, so there’s plenty of time to brainstorm and put your proposal together. To get started, take a look at the Call for Proposals and the presentation elements, as a few things have been changed for the next year.

If you’re curious about the scope of Sirens, the Call for Proposals is a good place to start:

The theme for 2010 is “faeries,” and programming prompted by the theme is encouraged; presenters are not limited to this theme, however, and proposals that address specific aspects of a work or series, works related by other themes, and studies of the fantasy genre across all disciplines are encouraged as well. A non-exhaustive list of sample topics includes literary analyses of novels; studies of genre history; use of fantasy works in schools and libraries for education; examination of related business and legal issues; media and fan studies; craft-based workshops in writing, art, and publishing; and overviews of how fantasy works fit into larger contexts.

In other words, if it’s connected to women authors, professionals or characters in fantasy and you find it interesting and worthy of discussion, there’s a good chance someone else does too.


Presenter Notes from 2009
If we made a recording of you and it turned out okay (unfortunately, some did not), you should have received a notice about where you can download a copy. If you don’t have a notice for a particular presentation that was recorded, and it’s not in your e-mail’s bulk folder, it’s safe to assume that the recording wasn’t salvageable. (Please note that these recordings are only available to presenters; Sirens does not have the authorization from all the presenters to distribute these more widely.) Thank you to everyone who allowed us to experiment with our recording software this year–and we hope to capture more recordings in future years.

Also, compendium submissions for presentations from 2009 are due by November 15, 2009. On that date, we’ll review the overall submissions and decide whether or not we’ll need to combine the papers with next year’s presentations, and we’ll let you know the status of the compendium as soon as we can. If you’ve lost your link for making your compendium submission, please write to (programming at and we’ll send it to you again.


Have questions? You can leave them here in the comments section or e-mail them to (help at

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 8 (August 2009)

Please keep an eye out on the Sirens website this month for a programming schedule grid. Before we publish it, we want to make sure that we’ve cleaned up any typos or formatting issues. Our grid will offer a reference before the conference begins; the final schedule in the published program book may look a little different.

Once the schedule is up, you can start to plan your weekend. You can catch papers and panels, workshops and roundtables, and interactive classes. Papers and panels will provide you and a larger audience with new perspectives to consider, and you’ll generally have a chance to ask questions and add to the discussion; roundtables and workshops have limited seats available so that everyone can take part in the action, have questions answered, or work with materials provided by the instructor. And, once you’ve figured out your schedule, you might be interested in volunteering as a room monitor to give presenters a hand–by closing the doors to mute that lively discussion in the hall, grabbing a glass of water, or signaling when time’s almost up–while attending the sessions that interest you most.


Online Book Discussion: Terrier
Each Monday in July, we held a discussion about Kristin Cashore’s Graceling, which recently won the Mythopoeic Award for Children’s Literature. In August, we’re discussing Tamora Pierce’s Terrier, followed by Sherwood Smith’s Crown Duel/Court Duel in September. You can add your voice to older discussions or catch the new ones by clicking here.

And speaking of good books, today is the official release of the final volume in Sherwood Smith’s Inda series: Treason’s Shore. Congratulations, and may copies fly off the shelves!


Meal Selections
All attendees should have received an e-mail regarding their meal selections for Sirens. The e-mail includes a link to a page where you may review the menus and indicate any special dietary issues. If you do not choose by September 1, you will be given the vegetarian option. We typically provide our counts for each entree to the hotel several weeks in advance in order to catch any problems, so we appreciate that many of you have already responded. It’s a huge help!


Dinner Excursions
At Sirens, you’ll find that your meals are–mostly–included. Dinner, however, is on your own. At 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 1, and 6:00 on Friday (October 2) and Saturday (October 3), you can meet at the Sirens Information Desk to find companions to eat with you, inside the hotel or out, with our Dinner Excursions program. We’ve made a list of restaurants, both at the hotel and in nearby neighborhoods, with as much information as is currently available, and you can find it on our website.


Hotel Reservations
As a reminder, hotel reservations must be made by September 7 in order to get the Sirens rate–and as a reminder, the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa is a mountain resort with somewhat different reservation policies than other hotels. The last day to modify, change, or cancel your reservation is September 7, 2009. Also, your first night’s stay will be charged to you on September 7, so if you intend to share the room’s costs with others, you may want to plan for this now!

And, as always, if you have issues completing your reservation or if you have problems booking the Sirens room rate for the room types we’ve asked the hotel to set aside, please e-mail us.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 7 (July 2009)

Thank you to everyone who submitted a programming proposal. The vetting board has had the enjoyable but tough task of sorting through each proposal and selecting those to include for our 2009 conference. Once presenters are registered and their summaries prepared for publication, you’ll be able to see them on the accepted programming page of our website.


Online Book Discussion: Graceling
Have you read Kristin Cashore’s Graceling? If you have–or even if you haven’t and you don’t mind spoilers–join us starting Monday, July 6 at the Sirens LiveJournal for a discussion of girl warriors, boy warriors, bad kings, worse kings, a child queen, and of course, gender roles in fantasy fiction. We’ll post a new topic each Monday in July, and then follow up with discussions of Tamora Pierce’s Terrier in August and Sherwood Smith’s Crown Duel/Court Duel in September.

Want to discuss some books right now? Visit the reading list section of our message boards, and chat about realistic vs. invented fantasy worlds, favorite books, what you’re reading right now, and more.


Sirens Shuttle Between Denver International Airport and Vail–Now Available
A conference-sponsored shuttle will depart from Denver at 3:30 p.m. on October 1 and leave the Vail Cascade at 10:30 a.m. on October 4, which will accommodate flights arriving by 2:00 p.m. on October 1 or departing after 3:00 p.m. on October 4.

As of today, tickets are available to new registrants as well as to those who are already registered. (If you’re already registered, please use the Change My Registration page to purchase a ticket.) Those holding a registration may also purchase additional tickets for friends and family to ride along. A round-trip ticket costs $95, which is about half the cost of using a scheduled-service commercial shuttle–and saves you the cost of gas and parking at the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, not to mention navigating the winding freeway and awestruck tourists gawking at the Rocky Mountains! One more nice thing: you can leave the driving to someone who’s already familiar with mountain driving in all kinds of Colorado weather, leaving your hands free to take pictures of the flora and fauna.


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
At last–the sawdust is swept away, the paint is dry, and the renovations are finished. Keep an eye on the Sirens LiveJournal for pictures and news from our recent site visit. A preview: new pool area, multiple hot tubs (including one for sixteen people), four places to grab a bite to eat on hotel property, better in-room cooling and heating options, upgraded spa facilities, and more.

In the June 2009 edition of the Sirens newsletter, we talked about the resort library and the kiosk inside that lets you grab a quick moment on the internet or print out boarding passes. The kiosk has been moved to the back of the Cascade Village Market and Cafe, in the area between the market and the gift shop.


Meet for Dinner
Now that we’ve gathered updated information on places to eat in Vail, we’re hard at work putting together a restaurant guide for you to use during dinner breaks. Want to go out with a group? On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during the conference, meet at the information desk and join a group headed to dinner in Lionshead or Vail Village by foot or hotel shuttle.


Sirens Supper
If you’ll be in Vail ahead of time, please feel free to join us for our staff dinner on Wednesday, September 30. Starting at 7:00 p.m., this western-style cookout costs $60, which includes food, non-alcoholic drinks, and gratuity. We’re waiting on a copy of the 2009 menu, but in past years, offerings on the buffet included several entrée options such as local fish and steak; soup, salad and sides; and a variety of desserts.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 6 (June 2009)

Programming Deadline, We Really Mean It
The extended (and absolutely final) deadline for programming proposals is this Sunday, June 7, 2009. Even if this is your first conference, we encourage you to share what you know with others through papers, panels, workshops, or even by leading a roundtable discussion. Find all the information you’ll need on the Sirens LiveJournal and the Sirens website.

We’re also pleased to receive proposals for interactive afternoon classes. Share your related hobbies and activities with other attendees! The deadline for submitting to teach these classes is July 1, but if you can get your application in sooner, we’d certainly appreciate it.

Please also join in on our discussion of inspirations and favorite female characters in fantasy, whether or not you’ll be proposing a presentation.


Programming Preview!
Want a sneak peek at a sample of the presentations for Sirens? Check out the new accepted proposals page on the Sirens website. (And if you’re a presenter and don’t see your accepted proposal, please don’t panic; once we’ve confirmed your registration, the summary goes into a queue for editing and formatting, and it can take another few weeks to be published.)


Programming Panels
A few panels–one on women in Harry Potter, one on Mary Sues in fantasy, and one on Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer–seek additional panelists. If you’d rather not present on your own, consider taking part in one of these moderator-focused panels. Visit this entry for details and contact information.


Sirens Shuttle Between Denver International Airport and Vail
It can cost $100 or more one-way between Denver and Vail if you take a commercial shuttle, and as much or more to rent a car and park in Vail. We’ve found a way to get you there and back again for half the price–and give you a chance to meet other attendees on the way. A conference-sponsored shuttle will depart from Denver at 3:30 p.m. on October 1 and leave the Vail Cascade at 10:30 a.m. on October 4, which will accommodate flights arriving by 2:00 p.m. on October 1 or departing after 3:00 p.m. on October 4. Registered attendees will receive an e-mail as soon as shuttle tickets are available, and will have the first opportunity to purchase the limited seats.


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
Roommates wanted! If you’re looking for someone to share a room with, check out the Sirens message boards to read or write advertisements.

One of the things we like best about the Vail Cascade is the library across from the main desk. The library was donated by a frequent patron of the Vail Cascade, and comfy couches and squashy armchairs overlook the patio on Gore Creek.

There’s also a computer terminal and printer, provided so that you can check in for your flight and print a boarding pass before you head home.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 5 (May 2009)

Programming Deadline Extended
Because we had some reasonable requests for a little extra time, we’ve extended the deadline for programming proposals to June 7, 2009. We’ve also extended this option to all comers, so if you didn’t have time to submit a proposal earlier, please do consider sending one in. If you need help or assistance, please feel free to contact (programming at Whether your proposal is accepted or not, we truly appreciate what you have to offer–and we want to include diverse viewpoints. Here’s an excerpt from the call for proposals:

Sirens, a conference focused on literary contributions by women to the fantasy genre and on fantasy works with prominent female characters, will take place October 1–4, 2009, in Vail, CO. The conference seeks papers, panels, interactive workshops, roundtable discussions, and other presentations suitable for an audience of academics, professionals, educators, librarians, authors, and fantasy readers.

The theme for 2009 is “warriors,” and programming prompted by the theme is encouraged; presenters are not limited to this theme, however, and proposals that address specific aspects of a work or series, works related by other themes, and studies of the fantasy genre across all disciplines are encouraged as well. A non-exhaustive list of sample topics includes literary analyses of novels; studies of genre history; use of fantasy works in schools and libraries for education; examination of related business and legal issues; media and fan studies; craft-based workshops in writing, art, and publishing; and overviews of how fantasy works fit into larger contexts.

We’re also pleased to receive interactive afternoon classes. Share your related hobbies and activities with other attendees!


Programming Panels
Our programming team is arranging several panels to bring together presenters who have submitted proposals on some of the most popular topics. We’ll open these up to other presenters as well. Information on applying to be a panelist will be published at only, so keep an eye on our LiveJournal for more.


General Chat
We’ll have staff available to answer your questions about programming and to help you work through ideas. You’re also welcome to come and connect with other Sirens attendees. We’ll hold a few more chats before Sirens at different times and on different days of the week if you can’t make it to this one.

DATE: Monday, June 1
TIME: 9-11 p.m. Eastern/6-8 p.m. Pacific

You don’t need to download anything or have any special software to participate–the page will turn into a chat room when the chat begins.


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
Roommates wanted! If you’re seeking a roommate, or if you’re looking for someone to share a room with, check out the Sirens message boards for advertisements.

Did you see? The Vail Cascade has completed their multi-million dollar renovation and October is a beautiful time to visit.

The Vail Cascade is committed to eco-friendly tourism. Here are just some of our venue’s practices:

  • Sourcing environmentally sensitive products and services locally, and purchasing organic, environmentally friendly/responsible and recycled supplies, whenever possible.
  • Purchasing fresh, and sustainable foods locally grown, whenever possible.
  • Using environmentally responsible building materials and strategies for renovations to reduce environmental impact.
  • Using energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems, as well as water-saving devices.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 4 (April 2009)

As you know, the deadline for proposals is coming soon. Remember that you don’t need to be registered before you submit a roundtable, workshop, paper, panel, or afternoon class. We occasionally put together additional panels and the like, and we’ll be looking to those people who have already offered programming proposals. Please don’t be afraid to offer yourself up!

In the meantime, please look here and here for people who are looking for others to partner with for programming. Are you looking for a co-presenter or some panelists? Leave us a comment and we’ll play matchmaker.


Programming and General Chat
Next week, we’ll hold a chat for those interested in Sirens. We’ll have staff available to answer your questions about programming, to help you work through ideas, and to suggest topics for you to present. You’re also welcome to come and connect with other Sirens attendees. We’ll hold a few more chats before Sirens at different times and on different days of the week if you can’t make it to this one.

DATE: Sunday, April 12
TIME: 1-3 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m.-noon Pacific,

You don’t need to download anything or have any special software to participate–the page will turn into a chat room when the chat begins.


Reading List
On the Sirens website, we keep a reading list. Most of our staff have read most of these books–some of our staff have read all of these books!–and many of our attendees will have as well. Some were chosen for their influence, some for their controversy, and some simply because they’re a great read! We’ve recently updated this list, so we invite you to take a look at what we put together as a starter selection of fantasy works. We also read–a lot–so if you have favorites that aren’t on the list, please review them!


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
Despite the economy, travel is cheaper than ever this year as airlines, hotels, and car rental companies run specials designed to make vacations affordable. Still, everyone has a budget. Here are some ideas for splurging and saving on lodging.

Your very own room at the Vail Cascade. Beautiful views of aspen on the mountainside or the glittering creek. No one stealing the spa-provided shampoo before you get to it, the refrigerator all to yourself, and all the coffee and tea you can drink while you lounge in a plush bathrobe. Cost: $109 a night for three nights, 1-2 people, totaling $327.

Roommates! There’s something especially fun about snuggling under the covers and chatting while you and friends drop off to sleep. You can sleep up to four people in a room, and still have all of the amenities. Cost: $134 a night for three nights, 3-4 people, totaling $100.50 per person split four ways.

These examples do not include tax or resort fee. More information can be found here.

The special room rate at the Vail Cascade is good from September 26 to October 6, 2009. If you have any problems making your reservation, please contact Sirens for help.

Also, we’re pleased to offer this rate to your friends and family–you don’t have to be a Sirens attendee to stay with us over the weekend. While Colorado weather is notoriously unpredictable, during the autumn in the mountains you might be able to swim in the outdoor pool in the daytime but still want a sweater and a hot drink in the hotel bar by evening. Vail offers a quiet retreat for writers, a quaint haven for shopping, and a multitude of outdoor activities, so you’re more than welcome to bring a crowd along.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 3 (March 2009)

As you’ve noticed, we’re hosting a series on how you can participate in programming as a presenter on the Sirens LiveJournal. We encourage you to become a presenter yourself, whether this is your first conference or your hundredth. The majority of the presentations at Sirens will be designed, proposed, and presented by you–and they will represent your interests, research, work, and passions.

You can see the current posts on programming right here. We know of one person on the Sirens message boards who’d like to collaborate on a presentation about fantasy book covers. Join her–or post your own messages to discuss ideas.

Keep an eye out for upcoming posts on programming! Later this week, we’ll provide how-to information for papers and panels, and next week, we’ll focus on workshops, roundtables, and afternoon classes. In the meantime, you can visit the programming page of our website for programming proposal instructions. Proposals are due April 12, 2009.


Programming Chat
We’re having a chat, and you’re invited!

Next week, we’ll hold a chat for those interested in Sirens. We’ll have staff available to answer your questions about programming, to help you work through ideas, and to suggest topics for you to present. You’re also welcome to come and connect with other Sirens attendees. We’ll hold a few more chats before Sirens at different times and on different days of the week if you can’t make it to this one.

DATE: Tuesday, March 24
TIME: 9-11 p.m. Eastern/8-10 p.m. Central/7-9 p.m. Mountain/6-8 p.m. Pacific

You don’t need to download anything or have any special software to participate–the webpage will turn into a chat room when the chat begins.


Sirens has a Twitter account, but we don’t plan to use it except during the conference, and then only for information that’s really vital to disseminate quickly. In fact, we hope we won’t need to use Twitter at all! That said, please feel free to follow the account–all tweets will be public, and the account won’t follow or add anyone. (If you don’t use Twitter, you can also subscribe to sirens_con’s RSS feed.) For more information about Twitter, please see their website.


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
As a reminder, rooms at the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa need to be reserved well in advance. You can find out how to do that via the Vail Cascade page on our website. By the time Sirens arrives, the Vail Cascade will be finished with a multi-million dollar renovation–and our rate of $109 (single/double) or $134 (triple/quad) for standard rooms is simply amazing. We hope that you and any traveling companions will take advantage of this discounted rate. You’ll have the most convenient conference lodging and you’ll help Sirens fill our room block, which means that we can have more space for programming, events, and activities.

Should you encounter any difficulty in making a reservation, please contact us; we can help clear up any confusion or problems.


Banner Exchanges
We’re excited to be exchanging banners and buttons with a number of sites, including newsletters, archives, conferences, artists, and online stores. To see the offerings or to exchange a banner, visit the Banner Exchange page on our website.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 2 (February 2009)

Latest News
We’re very pleased to announce that Kristin Cashore, Tamora Pierce, and Sherwood Smith will be our guests of honor in 2009. To find out more about these amazing authors, please visit the guests of honor page on the Sirens website.


This second issue of the Sirens newsletter is also our kickoff for programming! Over the coming weeks–right up until the proposal deadline of April 12, 2009–we’ll be hosting a series of posts on our LiveJournal and message boards that will guide you through the process to become a presenter. (You’re welcome to post want ads for co-presenters on Facebook, but we won’t post all of the series there.)

Here are some things you should know right away:

  • Everyone is welcome to submit a proposal for a paper, panel, roundtable, workshop, or something similar. It makes the schedule more interesting when there are presentations by scholars, professionals, and readers–we want to feature lots of different perspectives. It’s great if you’ve presented elsewhere and it’s great if it’s your very first time to step out of the audience.
  • We’ll be hosting some topic exchange posts on LiveJournal and our forums, where you can drop off ideas and pick up something that sounds interesting. Nearly all of our programming comes from the proposals attendees make and participate in!
  • We have some guidelines for presenters as far as format, length, and so on, because like all conferences, we need to fit into our reserved space and time. You can get a jump on planning by visiting the programming section of the Sirens website and reading through the links on the left.
  • As you plan your proposal, we’re happy to help with technical difficulties, answer procedural questions, and advise on special situations. The programming team is always available at (programming at
  • If you’re interested in leading a class or demonstration in the “warrior arts,” be sure to find out more about afternoon classes, too.

Keep an eye out for upcoming posts on programming!


Travel Tip
There is no direct rail service to Vail, but Amtrak does serve Denver on the California Zephyr route. Greyhound provides bus service directly to Vail and stops at the station there three times daily. Passengers can transfer from the Amtrak train station in Denver. Please note that neither the Amtrak station nor the Greyhound terminal is near Denver International Airport. Transferring by shuttle or taxi from the airport to the train or bus stations costs $20–65.


Quick Links
The Sirens Website and Tell a Friend Link
Become a Supporter
Read the FAQ


For More Information
Please feel free to contact us at (help at We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

See you in Vail!

Sirens Newsletter – Volume 1, Issue 1 (January 2009)

Latest News
Keep an eye out toward the end of the month for information on our guests of honor. We’re very excited–and we think the news will be worth the wait!


Get Connected
Welcome to Sirens! You probably have a strong interest in women in fantasy literature as both authors and characters, from the perspective of a longtime reader, a scholar, or a publishing or other creative professional. You probably read a lot, and you know great books to recommend. We want you to connect with others who are interested in the same things. We have a variety of ways for you to get involved and meet people who might be going to Sirens. On LiveJournal, we have an off-topic journal that anyone may comment on (you must be a member to post). You can also join our Facebook, mailing list, and message boards here.


Most volunteer work for Sirens will happen next October, but in the meantime, we do have some projects you can work on from the comfort of your computer–and we always appreciate having volunteers, who help make the conference run smoothly. To volunteer, please fill out the intake form and continue on to join the volunteers group with the same e-mail address you used on the form. It may take a bit before you’re added to the group, but once you are, you can volunteer your time to short- and long-term projects, get news about the conference, and find out about volunteering during Sirens. Thank you very much for your help!


Show Your Colors
If you can’t volunteer time, can you volunteer online space? Part of making Sirens happen is spreading the word, and if you can post a link or use a graphic to help let others know about the conference, we’d be incredibly grateful. We have a variety of icons, desktops, buttons, and banners that you can use on your blog, website, signature, or even with your instant messenger program.

Download these and more in the Artwork section of the Sirens website. And even if you don’t have a place to host a button or a banner, please do let your friends and families know about our newest event!


Favorite Books
Have a favorite to recommend? Share it–or get a recommendation–right here!


It’s never too early to think about presenting at Sirens. You have about three months to prepare your essay, roundtable, panel, or workshop for consideration. Take a look at the Programming section of the Sirens website so that everything you’ll need can be turned in by the deadline of April 12, 2009. If you’re interested in leading a class or demonstration in the “warrior arts,” be sure to find out more about afternoon classes, too.


Vail Cascade Resort and Spa
The Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, a AAA Four-Diamond hotel, is one of Vail’s premier venues, and we’re very excited to host Sirens at this location. The friendly staff looks forward to having Sirens as much as we’re looking forward to a newly remodeled pool area, the pillow-topped mattresses, the views of the Rocky Mountains, the discounted spa services, the cozy fireside lounge, and the wired in-room high speed internet. The Vail Cascade has extended us an amazing room rate of $109 for 1-2 people and $134 for 3-4 people per room per night, not including tax and resort fee. Reserving and paying for a resort room is a little different from the usual hotel reservation process, so be sure to reserve your room early, and see our hotel information page for rules and restrictions. And don’t forget to check out the photo gallery for a preview!


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See you in Vail!

Presented by Narrate Conferences, Inc.


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